

main info

'l| he/her/it/no pronouns. do NOT use they
'l| trans gay objectum fictoromantic
'l| est user
'l| 17yo leo (jul25th)
'l| if you GAF: bard of life derse dreamer

i mispell alot of things so keep that in mind. i also love swearing

unfinished (needs imgs)


'l| Problem Sleuth (Problem Sleuth)
'l| Luigi/Mr. L (Mario)
'l| Bowser (Mario)
'l| King Boo (Mario)


'l| a faceless standing Lasko fan
'l| Spider Solitare
'l| the Wii

unfinished (needs imgs)

main interests

'l| Mario franchise + fan games
'l| MSPA franchise + fan adventures
'l| Danganronpa
'l| Dungeon Meshi
'l| Toontown Rewritten

these are 100% not ALL of my interests and this does NOT capture the full scope of my main interests. i'm into countless games, series, franchises and most likely a good bit of their fan content! feel free to ask me about different things and i'll just straight up tell you if i like it